Sci-Fi Fantasy Club

Otherworlds will meet on a monthly basis with a different theme for each month!
What’s your favorite book, movie, game, or comic that centers on the ideas of defeating a great evil, sacrificing for others, and heroism? Come to the club, bring YOUR favorites, listen to others talk about their favorites, and maybe you’ll come away with new titles to check out along with some new friends.
Upcoming Themes:
Fantasy hero as real world other: Themes of BIPOC people leading the way, being able to be recognized in stories as heroes.
Fantasy as cleaning up the mess of the previous generation: Themes of responsibility, environmentalism, learning from the mistakes of the past.
September (CANCELED)
Second chances: Themes of redemption, new lives, remaking yourself.
Persistent evil: Themes of consequences, butterfly effect, that you can never stamp out corruption completely.
Secret Worlds: Themes of a hidden world, privileged information/experience, a life of the mind.
Escaping the Dungeon: Themes of self-actualization, cleverness, secrecy.
Safe travels and fair winds, friends!