Seymour Library will be closed on Friday, March 7 for Staff Development. We will reopen on Saturday, March 8 at 9 am.

Book Clubs

Book Club

Seymour Library’s Book Clubs!

Do you love discussing a good book with a friend? If so, please visit one of Seymour Library’s book clubs. Upcoming meeting times and book selections are listed below. Feel free to come to a book club meeting even if you didn’t make it all the way through the book.

Check Out These Recurring Book Clubs!

These are the recurring Events Happening at the Library!

Coffee and Crime

Ready to start sleuthing? Find out WHODUNIT during Coffee and Crime Book Club! 

  • Coffee and Crime Book Club focuses on mysteries and crime fiction.
  • One author or series is chosen for each meeting and members pick any title to read.
  • The club meets on the second Tuesday of the month at noon.
  • Topics are chosen at each meeting for the upcoming month.

Tea and Tales

Love historical fiction? Try Tea & Tales Book Club! 

  • Tea & Tales Book Club reads a mix of historical fiction and classics (and sometimes even drinks tea!). 
  • This club meets on the third Tuesday of each month in person.

Read More Book Club

Coffee & Conversation Book Club

Love to read a little bit of everything? Try Coffee & Conversation Book Club!

  • The Coffee and Conversation Book Club reads a wide assortment of books, fiction and nonfiction, and meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at 10:30 a.m.
OtherWorlds Logo


What’s your favorite book, movie, game, or comic?

  • Otherworlds will meet on a monthly basis with a different theme for each month!
  • The club meets on the last Wednesday (unless noted otherwise) of the month.

Healing and Hardcovers

This new book club, created in collaboration between East Hill Medical Center and Seymour Library, will focus on a variety of mental health-related topics, including wellness and self-care.

It’s easy to join! Sign up for your favorite club below.