Seymour Library will be closed on Friday, March 7 for Staff Development. We will reopen on Saturday, March 8 at 9 am.

Library Funding

Library Funding

The Seymour Public Library District is made up of the city of Auburn, the town of Owasco, and the portions of the towns of Sennett and Fleming that are within the Auburn Enlarged City School District. Residents and owners of property in the district are eligible for full borrowing privileges and have full access to the library’s collection, including movies, new books, and magazines.

People who live outside the district but within the area served by the Finger Lakes Library System are eligible for basic access borrowing privileges. The library encourages all residents of Cayuga County and other counties in the Finger Lakes Library System to make use of the library resources that are available to them. Although brand-new items are reserved for use by patrons in the district, many other materials are readily available to residents who live outside the district.

Those who live outside the Finger Lakes Library System may obtain a card by paying an annual borrower’s fee of $60 for one card and $5 for additional cards in the household. The library tax district supports our library operation and services. 

A Bequest

In 2018, Our library received an unexpected gift in the form of a bequest from community member Jeanne Dunn. Ms. Dunn left approximately $1.8 million to Seymour Library, with a specific request that some of her estate be used for the children’s section of the library.

Funding for library operations and projects comes from various sources. It is important to understand what tax dollars are used to support, and what funds from gifts such as Ms. Dunn’s bequest can be used to support.

While we are able to use some of the bequest on operations if necessary, it is important that we honor Ms. Dunn’s wishes to invest in the growth and future development of our library, specifically the children’s section. Tax funding will be required to support library operations, such as staff salaries, the purchase of books and other lending materials and building maintenance.

Annual Reporting

View our current and past annual reports HERE.