Seymour Library will be closed on Friday, March 7 for Staff Development. We will reopen on Saturday, March 8 at 9 am.

Auburn HistoryForge Volunteer Training

Auburn HistoryForge Volunteer Training

Do you love local history? Join Auburn HistoryForge!

HistoryForge Logo - two toned green with the letters HF

Auburn HistoryForge is an online interactive database that maps information from the censuses of Auburn, NY, onto historical map layers. Residents and historians can use this powerful search engine to explore the buildings, neighborhoods, individuals, and families of early 20th-century Auburn.

Interested volunteers can join any of the following transcription training sessions: Wednesday, May 24, June 21, and July 26 at 1 pm in Seymour Library’s IDEA Lab. Volunteers need to attend one session, where they will learn how to transcribe census records for Auburn HistoryForge. Current volunteers are also invited to join the session for in-person transcribing. It’s fun, informative and contributes to our understanding of today’s Auburn by understanding its past.

Visit to begin your exploration and contact the library to register for our upcoming transcription session.

Can’t make an in-person training session but still want to volunteer?

Sign up online to schedule your training.

HistoryForge has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom.

As a part of the “A More Perfect Union” initiative, the grant allows The History Center in Tompkins County to continue to improve the open source software, add more censuses, and engage more partners.

Are you interested in using HistoryForge for your town or city? We would like to help you. Please contact us at historyforge at thehistorycenter dot net.